This event has already taken place. We would like to thank all friends and visitors for a wonderful and eventful evening!
After Ring Party Sibiu / Hermannstadt in Zorabia on 02.08.2024
The legendary continuation of the Transylvanian Night! In the course of the big Saxon meeting we invite you to the ultimate After Ring Party after the Big Ring in Sibiu / Hermannstadt!
Admission: 22:30
Start: 23:00
Ticket: 7 Euro
Takes place in all weathers!
Address: Zorabia Events, Strada Stefan Cel Mare, Sibiu, Romania
What awaits you?
Seamless continuation of Zorabia’s White Party | DJ Dagi (known as Sibiszene) | Plays German hits, international hits and of course Romanian dance music | Soxen rapper no. 1; Soxesch Kokesch | Experience the unforgettable atmosphere at Zorabia Events | Be there and make the After Ring Party the highlight of the evening | For the small appetite – Mici and Burger | Schmalzbrot with onion, Vinete and Zakusca | The Freunde Siebenbürgens Verein provides drinks and cocktails | Shuttle possible from 23:00 from the Thalia Saal (ticket can be booked separately) | Dancing and partying until the early hours of the morning
The event took place on 02.08.2024!
Venue: Zorabia
The Zorabia location is 15 minutes from the city centre with the best view over the whole of Sibiu and the clearest sunset. Also known as Zorabia next to the riding arena. There are enough parking spaces available.
Soxesch Kokesch = Soxen Rapper No. 1 | First Transylvanian Saxon Rapper
Here is a sample:
Nia fejt et richtig un – nia gieht et richtig lous
Enst witt et schniel Gango – wai oaf em richtig Rous
Ech bean en Sox – worr en Sox;
mauchen oalend woat ech well, mauchen oalend woat mir poasst
Ech broingen Rap off denTakt, Mann ech rappen daut et pazt
Ech mauchen daut woat mir norr schmockt
Ech bean en soxesch Gang – ech hunn en soxesch Harzen
Ech hunn Frenjch ous Hoamlesch, Mediasch uch Marjeln
Nej tia kuhst mech net arjern – nej tia kuhst mech net narven
Mann, ech bean en guhnzer Sox, uch underscht wuhl ech net warden – Ganger
Ech kunn ous Homlesch bean en Hermannstaudt gebuiren
Det Gefail funn Siwenberjen hunn ech hekt nouch net verluiren
Denn ech nien mir det Papejr uch ech nien mir den Pix
Uch duhn schrejwen ech en Lied, denn ech wies jeah wai et kitt – Yeah
Mir mauchen wegter beas mir iefoch nimmi kannen
Mir senn schuin a si far dat mir fun Ball ze Baller rannen – Ganger
Nierest terfen mir nouch fejlen – iweroall senn mir derhiem
Iweroall senn super Soxen – nierester senn mir alien
Nia giet et richtig lous – nia fejt et richtig un
Det eas norr der Ufung beas ech richtig kunn
Mir mauchen aas Musik – senn nouch long net fartig
Mir kunn uch ze ech uch mauchen richtig Party
Yeah mir mauchen richtig Party wunn mir richtig droff senn
Nemest maucht a si giat Party wai de richtig Soxen
Mir mauchen richtig Sochen – mer wunni ; mer wai
Wunn emest ze frai hiemen well, krejschen mir blejf hai
Ech rappen nia of soxesch uch ech mauchen enst det bejst drous
Wai en Sox nou enem Liter Gech of sengem Schejshous
Wuar ech sain hiesch Soxesch Mädchen nemmel ienten blejft ous
Hiesch Fraan ous Siwenberjen uch der Kokesch krejt lous
Tia drejfst dir det Gelejch drous wedder uch wedder
Ech stoun of deng Figur, dengen Ursch uch dengen Keddel
Dat tia nouch mie auls duhnzen wellt giet glech en mengen Schäddel
Ech hunn en wiech Harzen – wiecher wai en Pelsekneddel
Ech bean auls Sox of de Welt kunn – eam daut bean ech nia gleacklich
Of meng soxesch Frengch nien ech engjen Reacksicht
Zem Schloass gressen ech meng Legch ous Kruinen uch Durles
Nia zain ech ierscht e moul kejn Siwenberjen ean Urlef
Nia giet et richtig lous – nia fejt et richtig un
Det eas norr der Ufung beas ech richtig kunn